An agent asked me once how the main character of my book came to be. Princess Anna Mara came to me as I was sitting outside the high school in Ra’anana, Israel, waiting for my friends to come out of class. I wrote to entertain myself while I waited to hear from my parents that we are moving from South Africa, where we’d lived for the past ten months, to the United states. I was in blank space — in between schools, countries, homes — and into that blank space came words.
Anna Mara grew since then. She began as a princess with barely a name, screaming as she was kidnapped in a flying car over New York. Over the years she metamorphosed into a multi-dimensional though papery human being with opinions as to what I should write and how I should write it. Slowly but surely she became a heroine. I can feel her in the world, breathing, growing, getting ready to blaze out on any adventure which might come her way.
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