
What Students are Saying about Hiking with Sigal

“Thank you very much for taking us hiking. I had an amazing day! I really liked to play in the water and play the games. It was fun! I also liked to hear about the mice story and King Alfred’s story. It was cool to see the banana slugs. My favorite part of the day was hiking. I liked to hear great facts and legends. I also liked to see the spider’s house.” ~Harisha

Drawing by Harisha.

“Thank you so much for taking us hiking. That was really awesome to look at all the animals. It was fun to look at nature. I thought nature would be gross but it’s nice.” ~Vika

Drawing by Vika.

“Thank you for taking us hiking. I had an amazing day! It was good to see the banana slugs, the mushrooms, and the redwood trees. They were all cool.” ~Gloria

Drawing by Gloria

“Thank you for taking us hiking. I had a great day. It was cool to see the banana slugs. My favorite thing was the creek.” ~Fernando

“Thank you for taking us hiking and to explore nature. I had an amazing day! It was fun to play in the creek and to see all of the banana slugs. By the way we won of the most banana slugs.” ~ Ytzel.

“Thank you for showing me things I didn’t know. I had so much fun with you! I loved every thing like the banana slugs, the creek, and the games we played.”  ~Yareli

“It was fun to see five banana slugs and I like that you let us play in the water. I’ll never forget that nice fun awesome day with you.” ~Sesa

“Thank you for taking us on a hike. I had a great day! It was cool to hear the legends.” ~Zaniel


I love hiking with the kids through the Friends of Huddart and Wunderlich Docent Program. We hike a couple different Huddart Park trails with groups of kids from kindergarten to 4th grade. To learn more about the program or to volunteer with the Friends, contact Kym.

Sigal Tzoore (650) 815-5109